Scleroderma Treatment Natural

Scleroderma is a diffuse connective tissue disease indicated by changes in the skin, skeletal natural treatment cure medication information herbal choice healing nutrition muscles, and the internal organs. It is also identified as Crest syndrome or progressive systemic sclerosis.  The causes of Scleroderma are not known. The disease can create either local or systemic symptoms. The course and severity of the disease varies extensively in those affected. Excess collagen deposits in the skin and other organs produce the symptoms.

Let us take a look at different simple home remedies that may relieve the symptoms of this chronic illness.

One of the best Natural Treatment for Scleroderma is garlic and onion. You should avoid the eating of garlic if you have scleroderma. Therefore, only the topical use of garlic is advisable. It helps soften the skin.

Cut one garlic clove into three medium pieces. Apply each of the three pieces to patches on the skin. Massage these pieces on the affected areas for half an hour. On the other hand, you can use a cotton ball, dip it in garlic oil and apply it to the affected area. You can also prepare garlic tea, and use a cloth to apply that on the skin. To prepare garlic tea, boil a few garlic cloves in water and brew the mixture.

Use onion only as a topical application for scleroderma. Your doctor may ask you to keep away from eating onions if you are suffering from scleroderma.

To use onion to soften the hardened and toughened skin patches, cut it into half and apply it directly on the affected area. Rub the onion vigorously on the patches for 30 minutes every day. Scleroderma Alternative Treatments with using of onion, you can crush some onions, drain the juice in a pan and use a cotton ball or cloth to apply it.


  1. Natural Treatment for Scleroderma read about the Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis. Natural Herbal Treatment for Scleroderma with Herbal Product Dermeton Natural Supplement for a group of autoimmune diseases. Lessen Causes of Scleroderma and control the Symptoms.

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